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Ownership Of Goods


All covered goods are received and accepted by warehouseman on the express representation by depositor that depositor is lawfully possessed of and lawfully authorized to store all of the property referred to in this agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. Depositor hereby agrees to indemnify warehouseman against all costs, expenses, and damages, including reasonable attorneys fees, that warehouseman may incur or be compelled to pay in connection with any dispute or litigation with respect to rights or interests in the covered goods. Such costs, expenses, and damages shall be charges with respect to the covered goods subject to warehousemans lien.

Depositor hereby represents to warehouseman that depositor is the owner of the goods covered by this agreement and that, other than the following, there are no liens, mortgages, or other encumbrances on the goods: [Description of emcumbrances].